Sunday, September 4, 2011

Francheska Williams

As the old saying goes, it is the early bird that gets the worm, or in this case it's the early photographer who beats the heat and gets the shot! At last, the Miss. Fracheska Willams (soon to be Cunningham) bridal portraits. We had such a great time on this shoot, despite the fact we were up at 6 am and shooting by 7. Francheska is so fun to work with and her personality shines through in every picture.  These are so Francheska!

Wedding pictures are up be continued!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Darlings

I thought I would put up a few pictures I took of my little boys. My oldest, Isaiah (6), and Jeremiah (3).

We are in a severe drought here in Texas. But a few months ago a friend from church gave me some really cute rain boots for the boys, and ever since we got them they have been longing to wear them. One day Isaiah ran up to me out of no where and said " mama it's time to wear the rain boots" I replied "no honey I don't think it's going to rain today." To my surprise in a few minutes of our little talk, it began to pour.
 To say the very least I was shocked. " Now can we wear the rain boots?" Well I guess the pictures can tell you the rest of the story. It didn't last long but it gave us lots of mud to play in. I will treasure this day forever! Rainy days are meant to be shared like this.